The ark of the synagogue will boast a magnificent curtain full of splendor, befitting a little temple. The curtain, made with delicate handcrafted from the 'Kingdom of Jerusalem', is decorated with luxurious embroidery and made of excellent and durable velvet fabrics.
The artistic fabric is inlaid with many Swarovski stones scattered gently over the entire curtain.
You can choose your desired and favorite pattern, the combination of appliques, textures and fabrics, and we will design and create a luxury curtain for you, with a lot of love and rare professionalism.
With our quality curtain, you will gain glory in the mitzvah and enjoy it for years to come.
The ark of the synagogue will boast a magnificent curtain full of splendor, befitting a little temple. The curtain, made with delicate handcrafted from the 'Kingdom of Jerusalem', is decorated with luxurious embroidery and made of excellent and durable velvet fabrics.
The artistic fabric is inlaid with many Swarovski stones scattered gently over the entire curtain.
You can choose your desired and favorite pattern, the combination of appliques, textures and fabrics, and we will design and create a luxury curtain for you, with a lot of love and rare professionalism.
With our quality curtain, you will gain glory in the mitzvah and enjoy it for years to come.