What is the desired prayer shawl for Bar Mitzvah age?
For the first time, the size is 45-110 / 160 cm, but most people prefer to take a size 50-120 / 170 cm in order for the tallit to serve the Bar Mitzvah boy for as many years as possible, unless it is a bar mitzvah boy who is low For his age, under these circumstances it is preferable to choose 45. On the other hand, if a bar mitzvah boy is taller than his age, under these circumstances it is preferable to choose 55-130/185 cm.
? What color of prayer shawl do you choose for Ashkenazi or Sephardic?
It should be emphasized that the issue of the prayer shawl is not a halakhic issue and is solely a custom of the following: black stripes - accepted mainly in Ashkenazi communities. White stripes - for the Sephardim, who are more stringent in the matter of the tallit - the "Beit Yosef" prayer shawl - which also has the crown and the crowns of wool and not satin. In recent years, more and more people from all ethnic groups have been buying prayer shawls with blue stripes.
? Which Tallitot are to prevent slipping
The tallit tallit (tallit), the tallit tallit (tallit), the tallit tallit (tallit for shabbat), the tallit tallit (tallit) and the tallit tallit
? What prayer shawl with repellent material
All the Talitot - Beit Yosef, Far-Kal, Klil Tekhelet, Talit for Shabbat, Chabad Far-Kal,
? How to Clean a Tallit
Dry cleaning only